This is why I chose Digital Marketing NanoDegree Program!

3 min readFeb 1, 2020

I have had the privilege of bringing many ideas to life working as an Engineer with a reputed product based company. I have seen some amazing products fail while others succeed beyond our expectations. Funnily enough, nobody around me knows why that happens! All we here is, “Nobody is using that product”, “People aren’t buying the product, I don’t understand — Its free” or “We’re taking it off the market, it’s not performing well”.

As engineers, we can’t figure out why a product failed even after a thorough market research. I went through a number of blogs, a number of videos to learn how marketing is done right just to understand what my firm could have done differently to promote a particular product! And While I was at it, I realized how much I enjoyed learning it.

Digital marketing, in particular intrigued me the most. After all, we are a generation of digital world. I wanted to understand marketing in and out. I just knew it was time for a career switch in Digital Marketing.

Pursuing higher education was not an option for me, I needed a full-time job to take care of my expenses. Instead, I chose to learn it online. There are a number of online programs available. Some are free, some provide certifications, there are video tutorials, project-centered courses and what not! I went through almost everything that was available free of cost. I was doing pretty well, I was really good at it. I knew I could excel if I could have a formal degree. And there it was, Udacity’s Digital Marketing Nano Degree Program, one of it’s kind.

A free e-book was provided to give a glimpse of what they will offer in the DMND program, which I genuinely liked. A few friends, here and there, also recommended the course. And so I thought to myself, this is definitely worth a shot. Now that I have not just realized but experienced the importance of Digital Marketing, I have to take that first step towards my career goals. And… I did! Would you?




I write about things that matter. And sometimes that don’t.